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Mobility ware

violetzoni: Solitaire gives the mind something to focus on, particularly in times of low action when the opportunity to fret is high. Keeping calm by focusing on a low-risk game like Solitaire is an excellent way to diffuse any tension in your mind or body and help you enjoy your day or get to sleep better at night.

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Emma: Walter de Silva, the designer of the Lamborghini egoista, explained that the vehicle "represents hedonism taken to the extreme." Originally unveiled in 2013, the Lamborghini Egoista was designed to celebrate the company's 50th anniversary. Now the supercar has had a $117 million price tag slapped on it and many are wondering why. As it turns out, it all starts with the name, but its impressive design and powerful engine also play a part in it. The vehicle currently resides in Sant'Agata Bolognese, Italy at the Lamborghini museum. Behind The Name: Egoista means “selfish” in Czech, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and French. Walter de Silva, the designer of the Lamborghini Egoista, explained that the vehicle "represents hedonism taken to the extreme." And obviously the sheer cost reflects the ego needed to purchase the vehicle. Furthermore, the car only fits one, making driving it an experience that is completely selfish. The Design: Walter De Silva modeled the car after a fighter jet rather than another vehicle. Like a Formula One race car, there is literally a cockpit and there are no doors, which means that they must climb out of the vehicle, instead of using some pedestrian door. The vehicle also happens to be made out of anti-radar material and aerodynamic panels that change height depending on downforce and stability are placed throughout the car’s body. Getting Behind The Wheel: The Egoista features a 5.2-liter V10 engine with 600 horsepower. The car goes 0 to 60 in three seconds and it is estimated to hit a top speed of 202 mph. Unfortunately for those who have the money and want to get behind the wheel, only one of these vehicles actually exists, which means that even if you have the dough, the closest you are going to get is staring at it in the museum.

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